It’s so important to look at the ingredients in dog food!
E numbers, animal by-products, animal meal and fillers, the list of ingredients on dog food packaging is often full of puzzling terms. FeedGreen would like to give you a brief overview of ingredients that can do more harm than good to dogs:
For all E numbers These are artificial additives, such as: E.g. preservatives, flavors, attractants, appetite stimulants or colorings. Many of these additives are suspected of causing diseases such as diabetes, heart and liver diseases, intolerances and allergies in sensitive dogs.
Meat and animal by-products are all parts of meat, regardless of the animal and regardless of whether it is fresh or preserved. These are often products that arise from the processing of animals for slaughter and are not consumed by humans, e.g. E.g. udder, spleen, ears, hooves, beaks or bristles.
Vegetable by-products are often waste products from plants and waste from the plant processing industry. This can be straw, peanut shells or leftovers from oil extraction.
As soon as the term “by-products” appears on the label, you no longer know what exactly is contained in the food . The problem here is that no one can understand exactly what the term means. Especially if your dog has an allergic reaction, there is no control over what exactly is contained in the food. Simple slaughterhouse or plant waste is often used, which the dog can hardly utilize.
fillers are usually ingredients that dogs don't need at all and only serve to top up the food so that it looks like more. Grain is often used as a cost-effective filler, but so are carcass meal, dairy products and bakery products. Fillers are of inferior quality and can hardly be used by dogs, they place unnecessary strain on digestion and many dogs react with allergies.
Sensory additives refer to flavor enhancers and colorings.
Antioxidants prevent feed spoilage. Synthetic antioxidants are even suspected of being cancer and allergy-promoting.
molasses is another name for sugar and is therefore harmful to the dog's dental health and digestion.
Dogs with food allergies, digestive problems, diabetes, liver or kidney damage or tartar in particular should only receive food with clearly declared ingredients.